EPISODE 8 CTC 060619


In Italia what I would usually hear was: Pizza, Pasta, and Mandolino! Along with: Vespa, spaghetti and stracciatella! (all said with an exaggerated accent). Unfortunately, the list does not end there! In recent years, the most stereotypical word associated with Italy, was well, Berlusconi. Now, listen, I could crack a few laughs over the: pizza, pasta, mandolino, vespa, spaghetti and stracciatella bussiness (and get quite an appetite over it too), but as soon as somebody mentioned Berlusconi, I would go all shy (which has never happened to me before, never! ) wishing that I could just run as far as my legs could take me, and hide. But, I'm not the sporty type, so I had to deal with my limitations and debate the fact that Berlusconi shouldn't be the first thought to come to mind when thinking of Italy. Then, when I revealed that not only was I Italian, but that I was Scilian too, the only thought that came to people's minds was... Mafia! Naturally.
